Welcome! All verification reports for Premium's solutions are available for you to download. In order to get them, you only need to enter your customer ID below (you will find it in any of the official documents we send you - invoices, delivery notes, quotes...)
And type the serial numbers to obtain the reports (available in the products´ labels, invoices, and delivery notes): Lines: 0/100
If you need to download correlated serial numbers, you can type in the first and last serial numbers: Serial Numbers: 0/100
If you already have an .xml file, you can upload it here to obtain the report:
Download as neutral template
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Note this tool allows you to get more than one report at a time. If you need assistance, don´t hesitate to contact us: hello@premiumpsu.com
¡Bienvenid@! Aquí puedes descargar todos los informes de verificación de las soluciones Premium. Solo necesitas introducir:
Esta herramienta permite descargar más de un informe a la vez. Si los números de serie correspondientes a los informes de verificación que necesitas son correlativos, solo tienes que introducir el primer número y el último. Un zip se descargará con todos los informes en formato pdf. Si necesitas ayuda, contacta con nosotros: hello@premiumpsu.com